วันอังคารที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

The 24th day in Makassar Indonesia

Going to school for English teaching practice
I was very excited today because I had two classes to teach English with. Although I had chance to meet them before by playing games with them but I worried with my teaching. My classes started at 07:00 am. I taught senior high school grade 1 through Direct and Indirect Speech together with playing games. they were very happy and fun with my activities and so active to answer my questions in the classes. I loved to teach them here too much as far as I've ever taught. I finished teaching at 12:00 am. after lunch, I went back to hotel to take a rest and did others activities with friends. until evening, I went out for having dinner. Today was a day that was fantastic day for me. I enjoyed and loved to live here too much.

                                                                                                                                                                                         12th February 2016
Liew, Sompong Wanbuadaeng

