วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559

The 2nd day in Makassar Indonesia

The first day of exchange student in Makassar Indonesia, Today I slept and got up at 10:00 am because I had appointment at 1 pm to get a big welcome from State University of Makassar (Universitas Negeri Makassar). Before the meeting start, My friends and I had to cross the road to go to university. Pa Yasser who is the lecture there, He took us cross the road. It's very dangerous to cross the road because the traffic jam, a lot of car and motorcycle and there isn't overpass to cross the road. When I reached campus, I met the president and members of university and I also met Indonesia students who were exchange students in SEA-teacher project. We talked about everything which related us and important for us. Such as living in Indonesia and Thailand, foods, attractive places, culture in each country etc. I was very happy and too excited to meeting there because Eve my friend, she invited me to everyone that I can sing Thai song and I had to show some for the president, members of university and the local reporters who come to make report and interview us to post in local newspaper. my song that I sang was BOW LUK SI DAM. I was very shy.
For this time is the first time that I met Bu Wydia Karmila Sari A who is the lecture of Elementary Teacher Education Program. She is my supervisor and very kind to me. She is helpful and she always helps us to do everything here. I was very happy and proud to be here for being exchange student together with their kindness.

21st January 2016
Liew, Sompong Wanbuadeang

