วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559

The 6th day in Makassar Indonesia

Preparing micro teaching with Widya Karmila Sari A.
(Lecturer Education Program)

For today, I went to UNM campus to train my teaching. Bu Widya, she is very kind and helpful for me. She taught me a lot of Indonesia curriculum, trick to control the class, trick to explain, and let me to teach through micro teaching with my friends. She also taught me about how to write lesson plan based on Indonesia curriculum. Today I was very glad to learn with her and know her. After I finished micro teaching, I went to the mall to buy items needed and came back to hotel. Dinner was ready by my friends. It’s very delicious Thai foods.

25th January 2016
Liew, Sompong Wanbuadaeng

